27th Anniversary Celebration of the Tropical Disease Foundation, Inc
Last August 25, 2011, the Tropical Disease Foundation quietly celebrated its 27th anniversary with a Mass offering at Don Bosco Church and a small get together during lunch time. It was a time to reflect on the many blessings bestowed upon us and to honor the loyalty and commitment of the staff who continue to dedicate themselves in the pursuit of the vision and mission of the Foundation.
The last two years saw us buffeted by trials and setbacks but God’s continuous outpouring of grace has allowed us to go on with our work of serving the poor with tuberculosis and to reach out to others in terms of training and education in infectious diseases.
We look forward to more years of relevance and commitment, more years of groundbreaking research work, more years of upholding standards of diagnosis and management of infectious diseases. All these will be possible with God’s help and the steadfastness of our donors and partners. And the fortitude and loyalty of our staff.